Wednesday, May 6, 2009

TOP 20 Things that I'm so glad to know.

20. So glad to know that President Obama does not walk on water.

19. So glad to know how to read a map and follow directions.

18.   So glad to know the truth about Christmas.

17. So glad to know the difference between Holidays and Holy Days.

16. So glad to know Deuteronomy 8:18.

15. So glad to know that I eat to live and not live to eat.

14. So glad to know where I can get a good colonic.

13. So glad to know the difference between friends and Friends.

12. So glad to know how to make a gumbo dance in your mouth.

11. So glad to know there are some people who sincerely care.

10. So glad to know that I tithe on the gross and not the net.

9. So glad to know the difference between spiritual fruit and 
religious nuts.

8. So glad to know that God is not the author of confusion.

7. So glad to know my family is covered by the blood of Jesus.

6. So glad to know that all it takes is faith.

5. So glad to know the significance of the Passover

4. So glad to know my husband truly loves me.

3. So glad to know I can go to God in prayer.

2. So glad to know Jesus and because he died for me I'm...

1. So glad to know that when I die I'll be with him in paradise.

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